15mm Screw In Tire Stud [Box of 100] - out of stock
15mm Screw In Tire Stud [Box of 100] - out of stock

15mm Screw In Tire Stud [Box of 100] - out of stock

Starting at: $103.00
Part Number:SITS-15-100

This box of 15mm Screw In Tire Studs is meant for use on A.T.Vs, Small Tractors, Forklifts, Skid Steers, and Small Loaders. Please read the warning below before applying these studs to your tires. CanadianChains.ca is not responsible for damage that might occur due to improper installation or use.

  • SITS come in various lengths that are inserted into the raised tread of a tire, leaving the head of the stud slightly protruding, thus providing traction with the driving surface.
  • Best for applications where a little extra traction is required (NOT for aggressive, off-road applications.)
  • Ideal for forklifts, loaders and other vehicles that may be going back and forth from icy to normal conditions. (SITS are NOT for highway use.)
  • Install and remove easily with a drill or driver and a special attachment tool that is included with each box of studs.
  • Designed to be installed and removed as conditions require. The studs can be reused year after year.
  • The studs leaves a minimal mark in the rubber.

Please refer to the fitting guide below to determine if this tire stud is appropriate for your tire tread depth:

15mm SITS Fitting Guide

********** IMPORTANT **********

Before undergoing full installation, ALWAYS TEST FIT ONE STUD by completely driving it into the raised tire tread and then removing it. Next, spray stud hole with soapy water to check for air leak. If leaking, use a smaller stud. If many oversize studs are installed without following this procedure, it may damage the tire beyond repair.
5 Stars
Easy to install, very efficient. Now that I know about this product, I will use it on other vehicules as well.
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Reviewed by:  from Ste-Aurelie. on 12/26/2023
3 Stars
Tire studs
I spent the extra on these but i bought about 200 and have had them in for about 3 weeks used the unit about 10 times many 3 hrs on it lost about 30 of them I'd say and I only do my lane way I sure hope I dont get one in my car tires happy with the performance night and day for me I'm not sure if I'd buy these ones again
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Reviewed by:  from Cargill. on 1/26/2021
5 Stars
Farm tractor tire studs
Using these on a small farm tractor for ploughing snow on several country driveways. I need to get up some speed to be effective and these allow me to do that. Chains would make the ride way too rough. So far so good. Haven't noticed losing any yet. Only downside is the cost. Can't see why such a small simple item costs one dollar each.
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Reviewed by:  from Dunrobin Ontario. on 12/12/2014
5 Stars
SITS - 15mm
These studs are great for our skidsteerthat cannot fit chains... but also great for boot heels, and hoof boots for the horse in the winter
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Reviewed by:  from penticton bc. on 12/10/2014